Saturday, November 10, 2012

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If you commute by car, there may be more to worry about beyond the price of gas: Commuting by car, rather than by bike or foot, could increase your risk of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey.

Survey administrators polled 9,933 adults about their transportation habits and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Three out of four respondents reported spending less than 10 minutes a week biking or walking for transportation. Meanwhile, people who reported biking or walking had 24 percent lower risk of hypertension, 31 percent lower risk of diabetes, and on average, lower BMI and waist circumference than the car commuters.

But unless you live in an intimate urban city, walking to work is probably not a viable option. However, cycling may be. It?s a fairly efficient way to get around ? depending on your speed, you can pedal a two-mile route in just 10 or 15 minutes. Plus, it saves you money on gas, and time spent searching for parking. And if you?re already spending a chunk of your day driving to a gym and working out there, you can count your commute toward your gym time.

That said, becoming a bike commuter isn?t as simple as just planting your buns on a bike seat. Prepare for your daily ride with this checklist:

? Bike: You can buy a basic bike for as little as $200 at a local bike shop, where you?ll get better service, advice, and knowledge than you might receive at a chain store, says Rich Conroy, education director and Bike Commuting 101 instructor of Bike New York, who regularly bikes 10 miles to work. (Note: Bike shop attendants can also help fit you and your bike for most of the cycling gear suggested below.) Alternatively, dust off your old two-wheeler and take it to your bike shop for a tune up, which can cost about $50 to $60. They?ll check the brakes, wheel alignment, and gears and adjust the seat to a comfortable height. You should also swap your mountain bike tires (they have tread and resemble car tires) for smoother tires, which are easier for traveling and more efficient. Every week, pump the tires and oil the chain (a bike shop mechanic can show you how), and bring your bike in for a checkup at least once a year.

? Lights: Not unlike an automobile, you?ll need a white light in front and a red light in the rear so other drivers and bikers see you coming and going.

? Basket or rack: Instead of carrying your stuff in a backpack or messenger bag, make the bike haul it. Attach a basket in the front or a rack or bike panniers (water-resistant saddle bags) in the back.

? Fenders: In bad weather, a pair of fenders will cover your tires to keep muddy puddles from messing with your clothes and keep your bike in better, cleaner shape. Your bike shop can fit your cycle and install them. Still, you don?t have to ride through miserable conditions. ?It?s not all or nothing. If the weather is bad, bail,? says Conroy. ?And if you have a really long commute, you don?t have to make it a daily grind. Do it one day a week, and drive the other days. Like a workout, it?s good to take a break,? he says.

? Lock: ?Always lock up your bike like you?d like lock your car,? says Conroy. Your workplace may provide indoor parking or a bike rack, but if not, you can lock your bike to a signpost, parking meter, railing, or scaffolding. When leaving your bike in a high-theft area in public view, use a heavy chain and padlock. In a parking garage or indoors, you can get away with a lighter and less expensive cable lock. Ask a bike shop attendant to recommend a lock that fits your bike and your needs.

? Helmet: ?It?s like a seatbelt for your head,? says Conroy. ?It won?t prevent you from crashing, but it?s what you need when you do have a crash.? Because an ill-fitting helmet won?t protect you, buy the smallest helmet size that fits your head for a snug fit, and adjust the strap so the buckle is snug below your chin when your mouth is completely open. Also known that a helmet isn?t the be-all end-all of bike safety. Follow the same rules as motorists, ride with the traffic, stop at lights and stop signs, and avoid distractions such as headphones and texting to take safety into your own hands.

? Route: Quieter roads with less traffic are ideal for cyclists, but if your only option is akin to a high-speed racetrack, you don?t want to ride there, says Conroy. Instead of riding all the way to work on a route with poor road choices, consider breaking up your commute into two or three modes of transportation. (Think about it: You might already drive your car to the train, or take a bus and a subway.) If you live in a suburban or rural area, or a large city, use a bike rack to drive your cycle through less desirable areas, or consider buying a public-transit-friendly folding bike, which are often allowed on buses and trains.

? Stash: While peddling in work attire might be uncomfortable, it?s not as big a problem as people make it out to be. ?Riding a bike won?t make you smell like a week-old dead animal. Just don?t bike fast, and you won?t get sweaty,? says Conroy. For a one or two mile trip, you can wear whatever you wear to work?just roll up baggy pants or tuck them into your sock so they don?t interfere with the gears and get dirty. For longer trips, wear moisture-wicking clothes while you cycle, and leave a week?s worth of clothes at your office. Keep deodorant, wet wipes, a hairbrush, and some makeup in your desk to freshen up after you change.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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