Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do Recreational Drugs Help Programmers?

> Don't believe the hype, and stop spreading misinformation.
> If you want to join the party come informed.

Um... you are falling into the same trap. Not all drugs are the same, they don't affect the same systems within the body/brain, they don't metabolize the same ways, they are not the same.

Alcohol hangovers are pretty complex and are due to various issues from dehydration to the effects of various metabolites of alcohol and what they do in your system (or what alcohols even, its long been noted that some distilled liquors have a tendancy to create worst hangovers... as they have concentrated levels of all manner of chemical)

Pot has virtually no hangover. LSD will tire you out and could be said to have a hangover, of sorts.

Now as for coding.... I don't really recomend being high while coding anything serious. Maybe a little alcohol, a little pot or something, wont hinder you too much but.... I smoke a good amount of pot and have a very high tolerance.... I still can't get much done after 3 or so bong rips.

As for LSD, I wouldn't discount it. The experience is very intense but also very cerebral. I still wouldn't expect to get much done coding on it, however, for higher level brainstorming and gaining perspective, I definitely think it has some value..... once in a while.... (you can't do it every day anyway.... tolerance builds very fast... most suggest no less than a week in between uses, or else it will just stop "working", and since there is no withdrawl or dependance its not like its an addictive substance... in fact, after an acid trip, the vast majority of people have NO desire to do it again right away... its a rather emotionally draining experience)

Though back when i was younger and did it more than once in a blue moon, I stuck to friday and saturday evenings so I had a whole day to recover and reflect on anything difficult that I ran into.

Once you have done it a few times, and get your "sea legs", its definitely less intimidating and easier to handle different situations. I have tripped in various situations with lots of people around and never had a real issue, and the worst thing that happened was, while going from one party to another at a convention, I got stuck in a hallway listening to RMS debate a local book shop owner on copyright (Didn't even realize who it was at first, just thought he was some FSF hardliner until someone called him "Richard").... and no, nobody should take this as an endorsement of tripping in public for newbs, I was quite experienced before I ever did anything like that.

Sadly though, I haven't seen LSD for years. Supply dried up at least 5 years ago.


Megan Rossee NASA grenada grenada Sikh andy reid McKayla Maroney

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