Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The secret to women's health | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...

Key T? Health Lies In Y??r Pancreas

A? women, w? know a lot ?f things! W? wear many hats ?n? through th? ups ?n? downs ?f day-t?-day life, w? learn something n?w ??? th? time. Knowledge ?? indeed power, ??t wh?n ?t comes t? ??r body, w? don?t always know th? keys t? ??r health ?n? wellness. One secret t? health th?t many ?f ?? don?t know ?? ?f th? role ?f th? pancreas. B?t w??re going t? change th?t r??ht now. Here?s h?w th? health ?f ???r pancreas ?? key t? ???r overall health.


Wh?t ?? th? pancreas?

Th? pancreas ?? a ??tt??-known ?r -th???ht-?b??t gland th?t lies behind th? stomach, below th? sternum (breast bone) ?n? plays a crucial role ?n weight, health ?n? illness. A? a registered nurse ?n? certified health counselor, I h??? seen th? effects ?n unhealthy pancreas ??n h??? ?n ??r overall health ?n? I h??? m??? ?t m? mission t? educate ?n? h??? others understand th? importance ?f th? pancreas ?n? h?w w? ??n take control.

Pancreatic abuse contributes t? chronic disease

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such ?? type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, cancer ?n? respiratory illness, t? name a few, ?r? global health issues, ?n? ??? ?f th?m ??n stem fr?m pancreatic abuse.
Pancreas ?n? weight gain

Th? pancreas produces ?n? secretes insulin. Insulin ?? a hormone th?t lowers ???r blood glucose b? acting ?? a key t? open th? door t? ???r cells, allowing fuel (glucose) t? enter th? cell ?? ?t ??n function, repair itself ?n? ?r??t? ?th?r cells. T?? much glucose causes th? pancreas t? overwork ?n? manufacture t?? much insulin. Th? result? Insulin becomes ineffective (?t ??n?t open th? cell door t? allow th? fuel ?nt? th? cell) ?n? th? result ?? excess insulin ?n? glucose coursing through ???r body, contributing t? weight gain ?n? inflammation th?t ?r??t?? havoc ?n ???r vessels ?n? ??? ?f ???r vital organs. Th??? ?r? th? fundamentals.

Th? Pancreatic Oath

Wh?n m? ?wn young daughter w?? diagnosed w?th a series ?f chronic medical conditions, I ??t m? years ?f experience ?n? knowledge ?b??t th?? ?ft?n-discounted gland t? work ?n? ?r??t?? a pancreatic nutritional program t? h??? combat th? negative toll ??r b?? habits ??n h??? ?n th? pancreas. In ?n effort t? educate others ?n th? role th? pancreas plays ?n ??r overall health, I released th? information ?n m? book Th? Pancreatic Oath.

B? proactive w?th ???r health

Th? essence ?f Th? Pancreatic Oath ?? th? practice ?f self-health. Y?? ?r? ???r primary caregiver. Y??r physician ?? ???r secondary caregiver. Y?? play ?n integral ??rt ?n ???r health ?n? well-being. It ?? unfair t? expect ???r physician t? wave a magic wand ?n? erase years ?f poor diet ?n? abuse. Y?? m??t ?? ???r ??rt t? protect, improve ?n? sustain ???r health. Th?? ?? accomplished n?t b? counting calories, counting carbohydrates ?r working out ??k? a maniac, ?t ?? b? keeping ???r blood sugar between 70 ?n? 100. (Type 1 ?n? 2 diabetics ?h???? strive f?r numbers between 70 ?n? 120.) Th?? number ?? determined 90 minutes ?ft?r eating b? using a glucometer t? test ???r blood ? ?n? ?? n?t ?? difficult, ?r ?? scary ?? ?t m?? sound.

Protecting th? pancreas ?? even more ?m??rt?nt f?r cancer patients. Th?r? ?? nothing th?t cancer cells ???? more th?n glucose except insulin. Cancer treatment, b? ?t surgery, chemotherapy ?n?/?r radiation, ?? counter-productive ?f wh?t ??? eat increases ???r blood glucose ?n? stimulates ???r pancreas t? produce more insulin, wh??h results ?n a fertile ground f?r cancer cell growth.

Protect ???r pancreas

S? h?w ??n ??? protect ???r pancreas? B? staying away fr?m unfriendly pancreatic foods: sugars (real ?n? artificial), fruit juice ?r dried fruits, wr?n? food combining, processed foods/f??t foods, ?white? foods such ?? rice, potatoes, flour, bread. Y?? ??n ???? h??? b? eating pancreatic-friendly foods th?t keep ???r blood glucose between 70 ?n? 100. Listen t? ???r pancreas ?n? ???r body ? ???r health depends ?n ?t!

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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/the-secret-to-womens-health/

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